Why Armenians Are Protesting and How You Can Help

We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. —MLK, Jr.
Since September 27th, Turkey and Azerbaijan have launched a full-scale war on the indigenous Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh (aka Artsakh). They are deliberately targeting and attacking the peaceful Armenian population who they claim are occupying Azerbaijani lands. Large-scale military strikes have been made on hospitals, schools, residences, cultural and religious centers. As of November 8th, an estimated 40% of the capital, Stepanakert, has been destroyed and over 100,000 Armenians have been displaced from their homes. Turkey and Azerbaijan’s goal is to make this land uninhabitable. To drive out or kill every Armenian who lives there. This is nothing short of genocide, and is a direct continuation of the genocidal policy Turkey has held against Armenians since the Armenian Genocide in 1915.
Today, Armenian soldiers are on the frontlines, fighting to protect our borders, our culture, and our people. Everyone in Armenia has someone they know on the frontlines, most of them young men, aged 18–20. While missile attacks continue to rain on Stepanakert, we are losing our brightest generation of young men on the frontlines, as they make the ultimate sacrifice for their families and for their nation. Over 1000 brave heroes have already fallen, and many more will fall, unless we stop this war now.
How You Can Help:
1. Sign petitions ✍️
- Double Action: Urge the U.S. House to Recognize Artsakh and the Senate to Stop Arms Sales to Turkey and Azerbaijan
- Urge Immediate Passage of H.Res.1165 Denouncing Azerbaijan and Turkey
- Stop Terrorism and Save the People of Artsakh
- Stop the new Armenian Genocide
2. Donate 🎗
Donations are urgently needed for humanitarian, civilian, and medical relief efforts. Please donate to ArmeniaFund.org (PayPal link), which is the official fund for aid to Armenia and Artsakh.
Save the lives of our brave heroes on the frontlines by supporting Armenian Wounded Heroes Fund.
Lastly, please support The HALO Trust to protect the people of Karabakh by safely removing landmines and other unexploded materials from the community.
3. Boycott Turkey 🚫
Join the global movement, led by Saudi Arabia, to boycott Turkey. Check the labels on products, before you buy, to ensure they do not come from Turkey or Azerbaijan. This includes clothing, food, etc. You can also ask your local supermarket to join in this movement by removing Turkish products from their shelves. Many local businesses in LA have already done so!
4. Recognize Artsakh 📣
The self-governing people of Nagorno-Karabakh decided 30 years ago to exercise their right to self-determination and to form an independent state, the Republic of Artsakh. Their decision stemmed from the basic desires for peace and prosperity, which sadly, were not promised under Azerbaijani rule. The peaceful and legal resolution they proposed was met with violence from Azerbaijan, and has since led to the existing war. The people of Artsakh have a right to live in peace, and in this case, that peace can only be secured through the official and international recognition of their independence. Show solidarity with Artsakh and support their right to self-determination by using the hashtag #RecognizeArtsakh
5. Raise awareness!
Since mainstream media has provided neither sufficient nor accurate coverage of the humanitarian crisis in Karabakh (Artsakh), we, the people, must raise awareness to let the world know what is happening. Now is the time to speak up and demand justice. Please help raise awareness by sharing this article (or any of the resources below) with friends, family, and coworkers.
Want to learn more?
Here are a few resources to start:
- Azeri Missiles Target Hospital and Homes as Armenians Face Another ‘Existential Threat’ (CBN)
- War escalates in Nagorno-Karabakh region (TYT)
- TLDR: Armenia & Azerbaijan Conflict Explained
- How Azerbaijan uses Bots and Fake Social Media Profiles to Spread Lies
For latest updates on the crisis, please check out @ZartonkMedia or @TheArmenianReport on Facebook/Instagram.
For more ways to help, please see the #ArtsakhStrong Solidarity Toolkit as well as the Artsakh Resources website. These are both great resources which provide links to social media accounts to uplift, tips on how to write a good solidarity post, and more.
Thank you so much for your support. #ArtsakhStrong ✊
Article last updated: Nov. 9th, 2020